Friday, 12 October 2012

international food festivals

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day.  I’ve been rained out of camp, not just a little rain, but windstorm rain, every night that took away my spirit from my peaceful days.  So I packed camp and headed back to Raglan Backpackers.  Traveling is expensive and living in a backpackers, albeit the great experience, gets pricey.  Remember I told you about the Suze though, one of the owners, well her other is a man named Tim.  They run the backpackers together, and they live just 5 or kilometers away, there is a thing called “working for accommodation” that is quite a simple idea, and works very well in New Zealand.  Unfortunately, work at the backpackers this time of year is slim, so Tim went out of his way to find me enough odd jobs around their home, and the backpackers to allow me to board for the week.  

Beautiful people in this place Raglan.

Potluck in the making

Preparing Dishes

Full plates of well just about everything

And feast
Pizza dough rising
Toppings added


Sally and Jessica Home Made Pies

"When Connected with Others we Become Better People"

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